Playing with Scaleway Cluster — Part #2

3 min readOct 27, 2021


NOTE: This article is part of a serie dedicated on Scaleway Kosmos. If you haven’t read from the beggining you can should start here:

  • Part 1: Discovering Kosmos
  • Part 2: Playing with stateless apps (this article)
  • Part 3: Playing with stateful apps and volumes
  • Part 4: Let’s talk about networking and CNI
  • Part 5: Conclusions

Now that we have a ready Kosmos multi-cloud cluster it’s time to get ready to deploy some apps on it ! 🚀

Reminder: Our infrastructure so far

More MC fun — Part #1 — Stateless apps 👨‍🎤

Since i now have a multi-cloud k8s cluster i want to deploy my usual demo app (webofmars/go-whoami powered by cute gophers) in a very HA way. 3 CPs 9 servers you will never get a downtime …

So i will deploy the following ‘ds-full’ daemonset targeting the 9 servers and expose it with a LoadBalancer type service:

I have also 3 variants of this app:

  • ds-hz: Targeting only Hetzner nodes
  • ds-ovh: Targeting only OVH nodes
  • ds-digitalocean: Targeting only DigitalOcean nodes

All having also their own public LoadBalancer where you can check the names of the pod you are landing to.

Deploy DaemonSets to MC cluster
Check DS status
Check services public IPs
Tada ! Et voila !

We can easily deploy a stateless app on MC manner or targeting a specific node pool / cloud provider.

NOTE: Beware that doing that the traffic flows from the final user → Scaleway LB → Node runnning the workload → Scaleway LB → Final user. This can be sub-optimal depending on your network latency requirements, please don’t do it at home unless you know what you are doing ;-)


Kosmos is really easy to use to deploy a HA stateless app on a multi-cloud manner and get a lot of value in this context.

Nota Bene: During the tests in encountered a bug with the allocation of LoadBalancers through kubernetes cloud-controller and i collected evidences for allowing Scaleway support team to fix it. It’s working like a charm now so be sure to give it another chance if you faced the same issue.

To be continued …

In the next article i will play with PersistentVolumeClaims and stateful apps… stay tuned for it :-)

Photo by Reuben Juarez on Unsplash




Written by webofmars

DevOps coach & specialist. ☸️ CKA | ☁️ AWS solutions architect. Containers enthusiast | 🐶 Datadog Partner. #French, #Geek, #Dad, #Curious

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